The Big Dog Podcast
Alright, imagine this: Josh Wilson isn't just a guy who trains dogs. This dude is a mastermind when it comes to flipping a backyard gig into an empire of dog training and other ventures across the US. We're talking about a real-deal journey from hustling in Hampton Roads, Virginia, to running a powerhouse that's setting the bar in the dog training game.
Now, Josh isn't just about teaching dogs new tricks. He's meshed his love for these four-legged buddies with serious skills in business, finance, and even real estate to craft something that's not just a service—it's an experience. And he's not keeping this recipe for success to himself. Every week, Josh dives deep with the titans of various industries. These are the Real Big Dogs, folks. We're tearing down the walls on entrepreneurship, marketing, the grind of family and business life, relationships, and the art of making that sale. It's unfiltered, straight from the hip, packed with stories that'll hit you where it counts.
But here's the kicker: Josh's ride to the top of the dog training world over the last 10 years isn't your typical success story. This guy's a serial entrepreneur with a heart that beats for his faith, his family, his passion for dogs, and just life itself. Through sharing his own saga and bringing in some of the most inspiring minds from his circle, Josh aims to light a fire under your ambitions. This show? It's not about the glossy highlight reel. It's about getting real with the tough stuff—because that's where the gold is found. Tune in, get inspired, and maybe, just maybe, you'll start seeing the losses as lessons.
The Big Dog Podcast
Join the Movement to Clear Teacher's Wish Lists
Could a small act of kindness transform an entire educational community? Join us as we kick off the fifth annual "Clear the List" campaign on the Big Dog Podcast! I'm Josh Wilson, alongside my son Logan, and we're passionate about easing the financial burdens on teachers during the back-to-school season. This episode is packed with heartfelt stories and practical strategies to support our educators, highlighting how every single contribution can make a difference. We're on a mission to ensure teachers are equipped, resourced, and in high spirits as they return to the classroom.
Expect a dash of humor as we recount a hilarious mishap involving our puppy Callie during a past recording session and reflect on personal growth and patience in the face of unexpected situations. Plus, meet Charlotte, our beloved black lab who's been with us from the start and hear why this time of year holds a special place in our hearts. Stick around to learn how you can join our campaign and help clear teachers' Amazon wish lists, making a positive impact on our community. Don't miss this uplifting and empowering episode!
Join me in clearing these lists. Join me in setting these teachers up to be more successful this year than they've ever been before. Join me in making sure these teachers are more equipped and better resourced and in better spirits and feeling less financial strain than they've ever felt before. Let's just help these teachers. Let's get these lists cleared. Oh, water, water, water, water. What man I love. That song makes me so, so happy. What's up, logan? What's up? Welcome back in the studio.
Speaker 1:We're at the big dog podcast. I'm josh wilson, son logan, here with me. Good to see you. And we've got the og in the studio today. We're not going to say her name because she's laying down sleeping, but we will. Old Charlotte's in the studio. Looking good, baby, she's going to be what did we say? 12? Yep, she's going to be 12 next month. She's the one that started this whole thing and so she is the queen bee, our little black lab baby. She's so cute, got a lot of white on her face. She got white eyebrows, like her daddy. Anyway, it's fun to have her in here.
Speaker 1:We did a little show last week that you know we decided just to keep for ourselves. You know, I recorded it. It felt good in the moment to say all the things I said, but upon reflection, because I'm a better person than I used to be, I decided to keep it for me, just me. If I didn't listen to it, I could play it back. Not everything the world needs to hear, not everything you feel and that you think you know the world needs to hear. Sometimes, just saying it for yourself, to yourself is enough, and you probably look a lot less crazy too Out in public and social media if people thought about that more. Everybody is entitled to their opinions Doesn't mean everybody is entitled to have to hear your opinion. So anyway, I kept to myself and all is well.
Speaker 1:But the funny thing that did happen during that show was we had the puppy in here with us, callie, our little doodle, and um, we're what? 15 minutes in and all of a sudden we thought we lost power. Everything just went black, except for the cameras were rolling and they're on a battery backup and and whatever. Come to find out. Little Miss Callie was on walkabout in the studio and stepped in the one place. There's one spot, can't step in here. Baby girl stepped there the power strip. Oh, that was unfortunate. It was really funny.
Speaker 1:But speaking of growth. Had it been a couple years ago, man, I'd have lost my mind, would have ruined my day. I'd have been hollering and screaming. I've been so upset at that little dog. But instead we were like, eh, here we are, it's all good. Hey, I'm excited to talk about what I'm about to talk about today.
Speaker 1:It's one of my favorite times of year For the last. This might be our fifth year I got to double check it but for the last four years, five years Every August, we start a clear the list campaign for teachers and what it is. It's really great. As we know, it's back to school time. People are prepping for it. You know kids are going to college, kids are going back to regular school, and you know teachers our teachers are phenomenal.
Speaker 1:We have so many clients that are teachers and we just want to help our community and look out for them, and so what we've done is for the last four or five years. You know we ask people to share this message on social media. Share our posts, um, tag their friends who are teachers or they're in education. Maybe they're administrators, maybe they know someone who is, maybe they are themselves a teacher, and we want them to tag everybody in this and drop a link, you know, to their Amazon list for all their school supplies and things of that nature. And then what we do is at the end of each week we choose a list and we go in and clear that list. Up to a thousand dollars of materials you know on their list we purchase for them, have shipped directly to them. It's really awesome and in turn we hope that the community jumps in and joins us in helping to clear these lists. So it's you know. They drop the links on all of our social media. It gets a lot of exposure and we encourage folks to go in and click random lists and, you know, even if you're just buying a box of crayons, like every little bit helps.
Speaker 1:You know everybody's talking about the economy and how expensive everything is and you know, you know payrolls or, or salaries compensation, isn't matching the increase in expenses. Well, guess who else falls into that? You know our teachers, our teachers who are out there having to fill their classrooms to make sure they have the resources that they need to create a safe, fun, engaging environment for our kids. They don't have the resources to do this and they're not getting it from the states, they're not getting it from the cities, uh, typically. And so they're digging into their own pockets, which are already streamed, just like everybody else. And everybody who knows anybody who's a teacher knows you don't go into teaching to get rich. You don't go into teaching to get rich. You don't go into teaching for the money, you go into teaching for the impact, and so if we can help educators to have a greater impact during this season, you know we want to do that, so we're proud to do that here at Team JW Enterprises. You know our core values.
Speaker 1:The acronym Is acronym, the word you make with a couple letters that stand for different things. I think so. You're the smart one in the family. I don't really know. So the acronym for our core values is DOGS. Are you going to fact check that for us? Yeah, let's double check that. I'm going to stand by it.
Speaker 1:I think it is an acronym. Yeah, I am right. Yep, you're right, and this is why education is so important. Guys, I mean, you can be successful and not be that smart. I'm living proof of that. You don't screw that. I am smart, I am smart. You're so smart. I am loved. I'm a good dude. Give myself my, my affirmations right. Yep, I'm smart, just not really book smart from the streets. Street smart, got good common sense. I got a good gut, got good work ethic. I'm not dumb. Pretty smart, pretty smart. Actually, people think I'm dumb right, probably because I say it. That's okay. Let them think I'm dumb, that's okay. Let them let them think I'm dumb, that's okay. Anyway, education is important, guys. And look at that Me throwing out acronym man. I'm going to be on a smart high all day Because you use the word acronym. That's a big word for me. That's a big word. It's not a curse word. That's a big time for me. That's a big word. It's not a curse word. That's big time for me.
Speaker 1:Anyway, dogs, that is the acronym for our core values here at Team JW Enterprises Discipline, ownership, generosity and service. And this is a way for us to live to that core value of generosity by giving back to our community and what I feel like is a big way. You know, this is going to have immediate impact on their need and what they got going on, and I'm excited to do it. I'm excited to do it. I hope that you guys are excited to join us and I want to. This can be a short show today. I'm just just talking about, you know, this campaign for clear the list and you know we're going to be spreading this on all of our our socials, across our platforms. So it'll be out there with it happens. It'll be out there with off leash canine training and Bay rivers and and dog fence of America all all you know the, the agency, where we're going to spread it everywhere that we can, just to get the more, more eyes on it.
Speaker 1:And if you guys could help us in spreading that message, it would be huge and I would challenge you to do more than just share it. While I appreciate the hell out of that, do more than that. No matter what level you can help somebody at, no matter what level you're at, you've got more than somebody. No matter how little you have, you have more than somebody. Remember that when you're thinking about, oh, I'm down, remember that when you're feeling like you've lost, remember that when you're like man, I don't know how I'm going to, how I'm going to pay this light bill, remember that when there's always someone in a lot of someone's who are in a worse spot than you and I truly believe that God blesses those that give I believe the universe responds great to that and you know, when you're down to that last dollar and you give that dollar to someone in a greater need than you, it's funny how a lot of times $2 shows up in your pocket. That's funny. I'm not saying that's why you should do it, I'm just saying it's funny how that happens.
Speaker 1:And be generous, to be generous, have a generous spirit, have a generous heart, help people Right now, so many people. It's tight, it's tight, it's tight and I get it. But they're focused on themselves and they're just tightening up and they're gripping their pockets and whatever they have they're just holding even tighter when maybe, if you've got something to hold on to, maybe what we, what we should be doing, if you've got something to to hold on, to loosen that grip a little bit and help somebody who might be holding on nothing but air, maybe maybe, instead of gripping so tight, we're supposed to loosen that grip a little bit and be more generous. It's not a time to be selfish and that's hard. It's hard because everybody's battling right now. Everybody's battling right now. I get it, I get it. Our businesses are battling right now. Everybody's battling right now. I get it, I get it. Our businesses are battling right now. I get it.
Speaker 1:Is it the best use of our dollars to do this right now? I don't know. Maybe not, I don't know, but we're going to do it anyway. It's who we are. It's what we do to our core, it's what we do. We're generous, we're going to help, we're going to help.
Speaker 1:So I need you to help me and, like I said earlier, if, if all you can do is get a box of crayons off of a teacher's list man, that goes a long way. That goes a long, long way. If all you can do is get a bundle of paper, that goes a long way. A box of tissues, a $5 Amazon card goes a long way. And if we do that in numbers, in masses, you know how many crayons that is. If everybody did nothing but just bought a thing of crayons, that's a lot of crayons for kids. Crayons, a lot of crayons. Am I saying that? Right? Crayons.
Speaker 1:People say it different ways. People say it Okay, thanks, we were just talking about this the other day. I don't agree. I say crayon, huh, crayon, crayon, crayon, crayon, crayon, crayon. Yeah, like a crayon, you can buy so many crayons if we all just threw in a couple bucks. It's about volume, it's the multiplier. Just do a little. Everybody did a little. If everybody does a little, nobody's got to do a lot. Okay, some political arguments here, but we're not going to do that either.
Speaker 1:Let's just help these teachers. Let's get these lists cleared. Join me in clearing these lists. Join me in setting these teachers up to be more successful this year than they've ever been before. Join me and make sure these teachers are more equipped and better resourced and in better spirits and feeling less financial strain than they've ever felt before. We can't help them all, but we can help a bunch. So let's just do our part and maybe, maybe, just maybe, we'll inspire or encourage someone else to do theirs.
Speaker 1:So at Offleash Canine Training Team JW Enterprises, we're clearing the list. We're clearing the list. Share this message, get this stuff out there for us. Tag the teachers, tag the educators, tag the administrators. Just share the message and we're going to do as much as we can At a minimum. We're picking one or two a week. I think we're doing two a as much as we can. At a minimum, we're picking one or two a week. I think we're doing two a week. I'm sorry, but it's not uncommon for us to do more, and we just want to help. We're going to do our part. Join us, do yours. We'll catch you next time on the Big Dog Podcast. I sure do appreciate you guys. Let's get them lists cleared, boy.