The Big Dog Podcast

Episode 94: "thepaymentsdude"

Joshua Wilson Episode 94

Welcome to the latest episode of The Big Dog Podcast! In this episode, join hosts Josh Wilson and Logan Wilson as they dive deep into the world of business payments with special guest Adam Niec.
As the landscape of business transactions evolves, understanding the nuances of payment systems is crucial for success. Join us as we explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in business payments with Adam Niec, a seasoned expert in the field.
Tune in now to gain exclusive insights and stay ahead in the ever-changing world of business payments! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more exciting episodes. #payments #transformationjourney

07:00 Payment processing

26:00 My family is my focus

39:00 Limitless Opportunity

48:00 I'm not a new year's resolution guy

56:00 The Yin and Yang of the business

IG: that_dog_trainer


Speaker 1:

What? Businesses are getting smart and they're not paying the processing fees anymore. They pass the credit card fee, they pass that cost on to their customers and they give them the option of paying with a wire or ACH, or they can pay with a credit card and pay a fee.

Speaker 1:

That's what most of our people do, and we love those accounts because if you're not paying fees and you've got great service and the right technology that helps your business grow and run, why would you ever leave us? You know, like back in the day when I started 10 years ago, we were competing on price mostly. Now it's based on three pillars. We talk about our three pillars of payments, technology, pricing, service. That's it. You see, there are going to be no fees to the business because they decide to offset their costs with either a dual pricing or a cash discount program, or they get offered a pricing structure where they are paying the fees their business does, and it's transparent, fully disclosed and consistent.

Speaker 2:

What's going on everybody? Josh Wilson, back here at the Big Dog podcast. We got a good one for you guys today. What's going on, son? What's up you doing? All right, yeah, I'm good. I want to introduce the man from the world of payment processing the king, if you will. Adam Nee, he's not just a payment processor, he's a friend, he's a colleague. We do a lot of business together, particularly over the last year, and gotten to know his business and his team really, really well. They always come in in those clutch moments. So you know, they're there in the regular day to day moments and we're like, man, we need to get you on the show and talk about rate tracker, payments and what you guys do for the world, I mean, and everyone, not just us dog guys out here. So, adam Nee. So welcome to the Big Dog podcast, my friend. How's it going? I'm good man. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, when we were talking about doing this, I was really excited because I've heard great things about your podcast and got to listen to a couple episodes, and I'm grateful to be out here now. So, thank you.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate that. I appreciate that. So Adam and I met a couple of years back through business association, apex actually, and you kind of got connected through there and would see each other at different meetings from time to time and stuff like that Started talking, maybe gosh, I don't know 18 months ago about bringing you know my businesses over and how that might be a fit, and some unique things about what we do and issues we had ran into in the past. And you know Adam made it super easy to to figure out a right solution. You know for us and because because for me it was always about, you know, speed of one, us getting our money to ease of processing those things, because you know for us our primary business, you know we're processing payments over the phone.

Speaker 2:

We don't have a terminal where people are, you know, presenting their card in person and so for underwriting, that creates some different, you know issues and concerns.

Speaker 2:

And then a delayed delivery of service creates all these concerns.

Speaker 2:

And there's all this stuff that goes into the world of payment processing that no one ever thinks about, because we just show up with, you know our credit card and we're like, okay, you know, we tapped the little thing and you know our money gets taken out and we don't think about everything that goes into the back end of it.

Speaker 2:

And, having been a business owner for going on 20 years now, I've dealt with a lot of different companies and a lot of different payment processors and I've never, ever had the support and communication and the level of professionalism that I've had these last you know, a year to 18 months that we've been dealing with you guys and it's just blown my mind and we've tried to feed a lot of people to you and get those introductions going and stuff, but what was it? I guess? Talk to me a little bit about. You know what you were doing, how you were doing it and what got you to the point where you're like you know what. It's time for me to do this in a different way and ultimately get Ray Tracker going and launched, because it's different brother.

Speaker 1:

Dude. Thank you, man. I that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me and I appreciate that. I'll give a little background. My story starts when I was in college. My buddy and I had an idea. He had the original idea and I was the one that's like dude, let's fucking do something with this. Yeah, I had the idea of having your rewards cards that you would get at, like the coffee shop and the deli, whatever. All that would be on one card that you already have in your wallet. So we decided that driver's license and credit card would be how consumers would be able to join all these rewards programs without having to take out 50 pieces of plastic right?

Speaker 2:

Right, that was what it was like 15 years ago I guess 12, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Now we kept trying to get this thing to market. It was my first startup. I had no clue what I was doing and it just didn't really pan out. But when I graduated from college I started in payments. I love small business. Payment processing looked cool. I didn't even know it exists. Like you said, I just took my credit card and tap it and it just works. Yeah, a lot of people don't know about the payments industry because it's like an invisible, magical thing that just happens for the card holder. And I got into that space selling loyalty programs. I wanted to learn how to sell. I wanted to build relationships with small businesses and make money and also work from home. That's what I did. So I sold for a company for five years. They were acquired for $4.3 billion During that time.

Speaker 1:

When I was there, I resigned from the job to start my startup, the loyalty program. It failed within 30 days and I was basically was like I'm not doing this payment processing. It's way too cool. I almost did that like follow it through with it because I felt like I had to. So I got back into payments and then I was there for that with that company for the last couple of years. I didn't agree with how they were ethically doing business. I got us in they were doing, starting to do things that were like other credit card processors and I just wasn't down for that. Yeah, it attracted me to the amount of college was their reputation, and they were honest. Basically their core values aligned with mine, and when that changed I was like I'm not doing this anymore, so.

Speaker 1:

I started my own payments company and, coming up on five years of being self-employed in the industry and I have learned and grown a lot and one of the main problems that I see in the industry is like what you just said. Like, your business type is different than a restaurant. You guys have future delivery, it's card not present. You're sending invoices. You're dealing with a service that is somewhat not risky. Business is a little bit different than buying something at a restaurant. So your business needs a team of people that understand you. The bank knows you and they understand your business so they can underwrite, you, get you approved and then you can grow your business. That's basically what we call a white glove. Payment processing is all about and that is what businesses like yours need.

Speaker 1:

Now some businesses can get away with, like, just signing up for Stripe and letting Stripe process their payments. It's easy, it's quick, simple, easy. Same thing with square, paypal and like. In exchange for that simple signup and that easy experience for the business, you get money freezes, you get reserves put on, you get no little to no customer service and a big company that doesn't actually care about the customer. Now, I respect those big companies because they're worth billions of dollars and they share it quickly. I just believe in good service, good communication, correctly set up accounts and scalability.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know one of the things that I had for years worked with Chase and on their payment processing side, I mean years and millions and millions and millions of dollars processed through them. Never an issue, never headaches, never whatever. Maybe once every 18 months I'd get an email saying, hey, we've had a couple charge backs or whatever. The ratio is a little higher than normal. Please remember, this is like our ratios. It's like, yeah, no problem, I mean with the volume we deal with. Inevitably that is going to happen from time to time. Yeah, people just not liking our refund policies or who knows what it may be, and so they want to do that. And then we go and battle.

Speaker 2:

Well, years I worked with those jokers and anytime there was a issue or a question, it was next to impossible to reach anyone. It was next to impossible to get any answers. Everything would be mailed, nothing was just communicated electronically, and maybe there's some regulations within that industry that requires it to be mailed versus emailed or whatever. But I got to believe there's better ways to handle certain things. And the thing that kind of broke the camel's back for me messing up that saying is all of a sudden I wasn't getting my deposits, and this after years and years and years, millions and millions of dollars processed through them every day. Very steady, similar transactions, nothing changes, and like what's going on. So I call and I actually do finally get a hold of somebody and like well, mr Wilson, we've got a $75,000 reserve we're putting in place. Once that's met, we'll start your deposits back up again.

Speaker 2:

And it wasn't like we're taking half your payments till we get this reserve. It was we're going to sit on 75. And I just started cracking up laughing on the phone. They were like until we get to $75,000, we aren't releasing them. Can you tell me why? Wow, can you like I had no problem with any of my other providers. Everything else is cool. It was.

Speaker 2:

I always thought that using the merchant processor attached to my bank, so all of our accounts are there. Everything is seen just from a bundle type standpoint. We were an ideal client. So I thought and they said, well, nope. And so I appealed twice and they're like no, because I loved it. Man, any payment I ran by 11 o'clock at night was in my account the next morning. Right, the fees, honestly, were uber competitive because the volume that we did, the fees were very low and for that I had no customer service, I had no communication, I had nothing except for, hey, I had my money and that was cool with me, and so it was fine until it wasn't. And so I said, guys, I will literally turn this off right now, like you'll never see a $75,000 reserve for me. That's not happening. And at that point they were about $15,000 to $20,000 in to the reserve because and that was only a couple of years ago.

Speaker 1:

They were running payments.

Speaker 2:

But I noticed no deposits and so they were like well, we'll, we'll sit on this, you know. And after six months you know they can be released, or it was a nine months, I think, was the number they gave. This has been a year and a half now. I've never seen those dollars. They don't have a, they don't have a record of those dollars at them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, you know, and it's so, it's, it's a whole nother mess that we're like dealing with with chasing that, and it's fine and it'll get figured out and handled, but it's nobody knows anything. Their left hand to their right hand and no one talks, nobody communicates. And so we had an interim process so that we use for a bit, and it was fine. And then we made the switch to rate tracker. Now I have a rep who just texted me hey, josh, hope you're doing well, check it in. I got a rep, I'm going to get lives across the world and I'm shooting him a text or message and it's probably the middle of the day of night, you know like when he's sleeping, and sure enough, you know he'll, he'll see his phone. He's like oh, give me one second. And you know, josh has answered me and I'm forgetting, and you know that he's different part of the world.

Speaker 2:

And then their support piece has been insane. We've done thousands and thousands of transactions with you guys. I think we've had three problems. Yeah, undriven by you guys, but you all went to war for us to battle to hold these other companies accountable to make things right. And it didn't take up a bunch of our time, it didn't add a bunch of stress or concern. I will go as far as to say, in the beginning, when we had a conflict and it really himmed us up, you know you personally went out of your way to make something right for me and my business. You talking about the 20 grand. Yeah, man, yeah, like. How was that? The?

Speaker 1:

situation there. Dude, the processor was wrong and that's why I I did that, because sometimes the banks move slow, man, they just they no offense, but they're that company is. They have 100,000 clients and they work to get to. They made a mistake on their end.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In my opinion, and that's why I was willing to do that, and then you paid me back, so that's great.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the thing that's so crazy. So that's just so unheard of. It was a very unique situation. It was a shit show of when it is that happened at once. There was a cashflow crunch, adams, like, hey, we didn't screw this up, but they're a part of us through how we're you know the process that we're going. They're wrong. I'm going to make it right. We all made it right. It was like a 24 hour thing, but it was just.

Speaker 2:

It was incredible to me ownership and accountability, right and resourcefulness that you stepped in with one of our core values. You mentioned core values earlier. One of the core values of my company is ownership. You know, good or bad, we ownership and you know, and we learn from it and we move forward and we grow and it's again whether it's a good or a bad thing like we own it. And now how do we make sure that doesn't happen again? How do we learn from that? How do we grow from that? If this is a good thing, yeah, own it. You deserve that praise. You earn that with that ownership there, and that's not something you see in a lot of companies. Yeah, that blew my mind because we were just. We were a brand new client to you at that point. Yeah, man, I knew you, though.

Speaker 1:

Like it was Right, that's something that I mean that's risky for sure, right, but dude, I, I, I saw the situation, I realized the solution and it was just easy for you that way, and that's like my job is to make you collecting money invisible, right, yeah, and it should just be a thing for every business that money comes in. It's correct, it's accurate, the you know all that stuff, and it's just the way that payment processing works is. It's always changing, there's always something broken and like our team just loves to solve problems, man, and it's. It's really cool to hear that Josh is texting you seeing how you're doing, like he's. I mean, obviously, you guys have worked with a lot of our clients together and the dude is amazing, he's the salt of the earth and he, he works hard and like that is what it's all about.

Speaker 2:

Most for most people. Some businesses don't care.

Speaker 1:

Like they just want a simple solution. You know they don't. They don't need to talk to somebody, but, like again, for your business type it's necessary and you know what. That is a weird thing that you mentioned about Chase with the 75 K or the reserve. Yeah, I hear I'll break that down for you and anybody that wants to understand why payment processors impose that kind of stuff on people reserves, freezes, shutdowns it's because they don't want to lose money, right?

Speaker 1:

So when you're in a credit card, say I run a $10,000 transaction and I pay your business 10 grand, right, you will receive that money the next day. At least you should, right, it's 2024. Everybody should have next day funding. You would receive that money. And then let's say you fulfill the services and I, the cardholder, am not pleased, or I want my money back, and you say no, or it was a fraudulent transaction, or I stole a card, whatever, and some money has to go back to the cardholder, whether it's a refund or a reversal or a chargeback. Banks don't like that. Yeah, they'll process refunds all the time. It's normal, like if you return something, but if it's a chargeback that shows conflict and that shows potential losses, right, usually the threshold for a merchant is about one or one and a half percent yeah.

Speaker 1:

You want to bank, a high risk bank or a payment processor will accept. There's also like restrictions from Visa and Mastercard on that too, because they want businesses to do good business and if you have a 10% chargeback rate, you're having to do something fraudulent or you suck at what you do and they don't want you to have the privilege of taking credit cards.

Speaker 1:

It's unfortunate, but it's their world that we just play. But in your case I bet you that you probably had an irate customer or somebody that disputed you a few times or whatever, and Chase didn't see it as a favorable scenario for them.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know, I'm speculating, so here's how they did.

Speaker 1:

And they probably did some sort of risk assessment and they figured out that the risk exposure was somewhere around 75 grand, because you do a lot of volume, and they felt that that 75K would cover their potential losses. And I'll give you a recent example we had a client that did like 360 grand with us in the first three months. It turned out to be a fraud merchant or not fulfilling or doing something that was. That led to 120,000 in chargebacks. Okay, wow, there's still more chargebacks and there's no money in that business's bank account.

Speaker 1:

So every time that happens the bank gets clipped for five grand, 10 grand, whatever, and those chargebacks have to be funded somewhere because the money but the money was already spent. The reserve that they had was 100K. Because it's a high risk business. You know very. It's a debt remediation company. There's a risk, as risky as it gets. The bank took the risk, though, because they it's a high volume profitable account, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the 100K and the reserve got it absorbed. It was 100% used to fund the chargebacks, because there's no money in the bank account. And then the 20K over the reserve is what was actually true losses for the bank and it's growing. So maybe it's at 40K.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But what's going to happen, dude? They're going to go into litigation, collections, whatever, to get that 40,000. And to get the money, it's like it's really tough, like it's basically like an unsecured line of credit is what a merchant really is, and you know what? Most businesses don't have issues. It's like some that just do because of a bad customer. It's their business model. Like you're like again, you're not selling Girl Scout cookies, you have a high ticket offer with future delivery, and like this stuff happens. It's why you need a team like ours to help you with that in that situation, because Chase isn't going to communicate with you and they're not going to help you find the perfect solution.

Speaker 2:

They're just going to say I know we're going to sell 75K in this reserve.

Speaker 1:

Screw you, we don't care. Of course you're going to get a new processor. That's probably what they wanted. No offense.

Speaker 2:

Right. Oh yeah, it's a weird dude.

Speaker 1:

Banks, like my brother's a banker and he's so weird, right, he's not best bank though, but all they do is drink and golf man Side note Bankers don't have to work because their money works for them.

Speaker 2:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Pavement processors are working our asses off for pennies, and it works out at the end.

Speaker 2:

They're clicking buttons, holding on to more money and reinvesting it elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, yeah, it's like you're never money too. Like it's wild how it works. Banking is such a cool thing.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I digress.

Speaker 1:

We should be talking about payment processing, but so where's it going? Oh yeah, like they don't really care, no offense. And even though they had your banking like, you still bank with them.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, there you go. They lost a partial, partial, okay, got you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so you know I mean in those situations because, like my company's, big enough that we have problems like that every day, like literally every day there's something and that's where our team comes in. You need it.

Speaker 1:

You know we like to be the buffer, the trusted expert, the consultant, whatever you want to say for our clients. And it's a partnership, because if they're successful and they keep processing their payments, their sales rep gets paid a residual every month, and then so does their sales director, which is Daniel I'm sure you've talked about. Yeah, great, and the company makes a gross profit. That's how we, that's how we grow and thrive. So it's in our it's literally in our best interest to make sure our people take care of and I take pride in us executing on that every day. You know, yeah, and so I know, dude, thank you for saying those kind words.

Speaker 1:

You know it's like it's really cool when you get to do business with people like you that are friends, clients, referral partners, like it's sure I'm, and to hear that kind of stuff is like you know, you made my day and it's only you know 11 o'clock here.

Speaker 2:

So well, you know, it's like one of those things where you know, man, this idea works. The idea is working right Because we all had, when we all started doing whatever it is that we're doing, it was just an idea, it was a concept, and sure, maybe somebody else has been doing it. Payment, starting a payment process in company wasn't an original idea. There's hundreds of thousands of them, if not millions, of payment processing companies, agents, whatever, and. But it can be done differently. You know, when I look at the dog training side, I'm like we're dog trainers. We're not caring cancer, we're not nuclear physicists, we're not like you know, we're not saving the world. There's nothing that serious about it. Anybody who's a good human being, is maybe not even passionate about animals, could be a good dog trainer. Right, if you're coachable, you're a good person like I can teach you how to be a good really damn good dog trainer pretty quickly. You know, it's not. It's not anything crazy like that. There's tons of them out there, particularly now, there's good dealians of dog trainers out there because we made it look cool, made it look profitable, we took it to social media and online and people realized, oh, this could be something we can make a living at Right, and now there's tons and tons and tons. 10 years ago, man, there weren't hundreds of dog training companies. There's just like mom and pop little shops and they train dogs. They got their little storefront. Now it's everywhere. I'm going to train dogs.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to do it a little bit differently. I wanted to create an experience that's different for the client. I wanted to create an experience that's different for the dogs and I'm not reinventing anything, but I am doing it different and that's what I have found, you know, with you guys, right, like it's payment processing. I told you, you know you could have set me up with anybody you know to work with and stuff. But I had some particular requests, you know. Again, I wanted to be easy for my sales team, right. I don't need them entering 50 million pieces of data. You know we're over the phone 99.8% of the time. It's card not in hand and I had some stuff and I trusted you to put together a solution for me, which you did. And then we have the ongoing support of the team that's in place, who's incredible, and they're bought into it. It's just different. It's a different way of doing it, and that's where it's always cool.

Speaker 2:

You're talking about five years in. You're like, yeah, this is working, this is working. We've got, we've got people who are interested in our company, right, other companies who are interested in our company, and oh, there's valuations. They're just like am I, am, I, am I? Oh, shit, this might work, I'm doing this right. And that's a cool feeling because you saw a better way to do it. You left a situation you didn't feel good about core values, right, and leave that situation you didn't feel good about anymore to go on your own in your own direction in a way that you knew you could kind of control those value-based decisions and stuff like that. Talk to us a little bit about that core value piece. You know what. What makes core value so important to you? And what is it about you that you knew with that previous company, when things started to change, it was easy to walk away.

Speaker 1:

So, man, that's a great question. So we have nine core values and I can think of two that apply to that notion of like. Why I left Number one is long game, meaning like when you, when you deal with people, you play the long game in most situations right. Sometimes you have to, you know, put your foot down and do the right thing as well and cut a relationship off. I've done that many times.

Speaker 1:

So, there's that and then also always do the right thing right. In payment processing business in general, it's very easy to lie Mostly, I mean especially in my industry. Like I've analyzed I don't know how many a couple thousand credit card statements I've just for reference I've personally signed about 750 accounts of myself in my career.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't sell accounts anymore because it's not fair or good for anyone right Like I. Just don't have the bandwidth and I would rather them have Joshua, for example, to be there to take care of them.

Speaker 1:

You know that's what every merchant deserves, and I just can't do that anymore. I got three kids that are under five, and you know my wife too, so that's my family's. My focus, and my goal is to work less and be with them more and play more golf. Right, but now back to what I was saying, the thing that there was a couple things. After I joined Apex, I realized that I was meant to be a business owner and I actually wanted to be a digital marketer At that point I've done a lot of.

Speaker 1:

You know I had a lot of different ideas and payment processing has been the one thing that I've stuck with like for 10 years. I've had projects, ideas, things that I launched that failed all that shit. And payments is my thing, man, I love it. And I got we got an email one day from the chief sales officer of that company that they let us know that they would start they're going to begin charging $125 a month for PCI non-compliance fees right On the merchants. They're on their credit card statements. Now I bet here it's like 5% of all businesses actually read their statement and then maybe 10% of those people actually understand it right? I mean, like I said, I've been doing this for a long time, looked at thousands of statements and sometimes we get statements that our team can't decipher. They send it to me and I'm like holy shit.

Speaker 1:

So then I have to go to my mentor who's been in the industry for 25 years and he helps with that stuff. But it's just so easy to lie and I think it's wrong to do it Like, yes, we need to make a profit, just like your business, but like why not just be fully disclosed with it and then like make sure that everything is consistent? You know like I created rate tracker because I do not believe in an egregious rate increases. You know businesses that get added.

Speaker 1:

you know a transaction more transaction costs, or it's called a discount rate, which is the percentage of the business pays. You know, I think it's wrong to add $5, $6, $700 a month unknowingly to the merchant, to the business, and it adds up dude, and like the mom and pop pizza shop or a lot of your dog trainers dude, they don't know how fees work or what's fair, and I think that it should be. It should be fair for the business, profitable to the processor and then consistent over time. So I built a software rate tracker that's free for any business out there. If you take credit cards, you can use my software for free and it will send you a text and an email every month. Very simple information how much did you process, what was your fee, what were your total fees and what was your rate? Your rate is what matters Out the door. Your rate should stay the same. It should. You know. I always tell people this when they ask about rates and fees. 95% of our clients fall somewhere between 2% and 3.5%.

Speaker 1:

There are low risk, high volume businesses, such as a grocery store is a great example, or an auto repair shop that they can have a rate lower than 2% because of the nature of their business, how they take cards, the rates that Visa MasterCard assessed to them. It's called interchange right. Yeah, and then there's businesses that are above 3.5% because they're high risk. They take cards over the phone or on an invoice or their average ticket's really high, so they get a lot of credit cards there's many things that affect the rate, but the effective rate, which is the out the door cost essentially.

Speaker 1:

How much did you pay to process? How much you sold? That should be pretty consistent. If you pay your own fees, right Right. Both businesses are getting smart and they're not paying the processing fees anymore. They pass the the you know, the credit card fee, whatever you want to call it. They pass that cost onto their customers and they give them the option of paying with a wire or ACH, or they can pay with a credit card and pay a fee.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's what most of our people do and we love those accounts because if you're not paying fees and you've got great service and the right technology that helps your business grow and run, why would you ever leave us? You know, like back in the day when I started 10 years ago, we were competing on price mostly. Now it's based on three pillars. We talk about our three pillars of payments, technology, pricing, service. That's it. You see, there are going to be no fees to the business and you know, because they they decide to offset their costs with either a dual pricing or a cash discount program, or they they get offered a pricing structure where that they are paying the fees their business does, and it's transparent, fully disclosed and consistent.

Speaker 1:

That's how we do it.

Speaker 2:

I've always been that way. You know what man we like. If I wanted to, make more money.

Speaker 1:

I could just increase rates. Like we can do that, we let them know the statement. They they may or may not read the statement, let alone get it. And if they know, if it's a $200 a month increase and you do, you know 80 grand a month in credit card fees, you think they're going to know, right.

Speaker 1:

Pizza shop doing a million bucks a year. We give them a quarter percent increase. We can do that. They would pay an additional $2,500 a year and they're not going to know, right? If they do know, it's because they are shopping for a new processor, and I could put that rate increase in place today. If they're not shopping for a new processor until October, they would have already paid us like two grand more than what they were expecting to, and I think that's wrong.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I built this software.

Speaker 1:

That's why I want businesses to know their costs. It's not just about the rate, like you said, it's about technology and service. But if they do pay their own fees, it should be fair and transparent. I said I will always operate that way, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's funny. So you talk about those three pillars and the ranking for me is tech service fee. If the tech is smooth, like with regards to payment processing, you know, because you know I've had people tell me well, josh, you know I pay less than that I'm like sure you do. Let's tech art. Let's text our reps. Let's pretend we have a problem. Can you do that? No, okay, let's run a payment. Can your sales team do that in 15 seconds in a very easy manner for the customer, who isn't getting worn out with stupid questions and rolling their eyes and all that stuff? Or do you need to fill them with? You know their full, you know house mortgage application, right for them to run a payment for you over the phone? And so for me, it's the tech, it's the service. And then that fee. I don't. I mean, I appreciate, I think the fee is competitive. I think it's more than fair, particularly for the support and the technology that we have.

Speaker 2:

Now, if something happened, I'm also very confident that if something happened and I needed to change up how we're processing payments, I'm going to reach out to Josh and say hey, josh, this particular software that we're running stuff through isn't it for us anymore I need. I need to pivot. This is what I'm looking for. He's going to find a solution for me that'll meet that need and right now, that meets our need with some of my other companies. You know it's, it's not, it's almost all invoices, no payments over the phone, stuff like that. There's other options that you know I would need to look at that are different than the dog training side. The dog training side is just the prominent, that's the big one. But it's easy for the sales team, it's easy for the customer. And now, the last time they're spending on processing, the more time they're spending talking to potential clients yeah, you know, if I can take a three minute process down to 15 seconds, why would we not do that? And people are like oh well, you know, I pay you know.05 less of a rate.

Speaker 2:

I don't care, I'm about the four X the amount of deals we do over the course of a week, simply because I have more time to do it.

Speaker 1:

And the guys they're talking about five basis points. Right, that's what we do on every hundred grand processed.

Speaker 2:

And that's the part that has been really, when I'm talking to folks about, hey, reaching out to you and providing them, you know, contact info and stuff, or they'll come back to me and ask me what I'm doing, cause I'll show them my stuff. I don't care, and we can walk through it. I'll show them, like the feet, like it's simple. It's so simple and it doesn't have to be a stressor and it's like what are you? What are you hung up on? And some people can't, but you're so hung up on the smallest of details. Yeah, and not to details matter.

Speaker 2:

Details are very, very important, don't get me wrong, but how does it actually impact what you're trying to accomplish? Is this the biggest thing that you need to? That needs to play into how you make your decision of who you partner with and who you work with. Probably not. No, probably not. But for so many, it's just that thing. And what I have found with the people who have come on and joined rate tracker man I hear all the time about how great Josh is, or Daniel, you know, or the backend team, or the setup process was easy. I think we got a dozen plus people we've sent over y'all's way.

Speaker 2:

We're going to keep rolling and doing that and you know, for those who are listening, today we'll drop a link that you can use to contact you know Adam and his team, and to learn more, cause I'm telling you, if you've got your, if you're processing payments right now in your company, at a minimum have a phone call, send your statements over, get them, get them reviewed. If you don't, I'm not. I don't care about understanding what was all dialed into my old merchant processing statements. Again, I never was taking the time to do that. Adam just said probably 5% of people do it and 10% of those 5% know what the hell they're looking at. Yeah, I'm a dipshit dog trainer. I don't know what I'm looking at. I don't know what that, what that stuff means.

Speaker 2:

So for me, that service piece is really important, that I got someone that I trust and I can count on. If, if you're running all your stuff through square, if you're running all your stuff through Stripe, if you're running all your stuff through you know PayPal or whatever, all companies that I've used over the past, it's fine. But you're, you're paying, guys, trust me, you're paying and there is not support there. There are better options out there in this world than that. Oh well, this integrates Josh with my, with my CRM, or this integrates with whatever Guess what.

Speaker 2:

Y'all Guess what Rate tracker can integrate in a lot of things too. It's really really awesome and it's really really simple. So I would highly encourage you to have a conversation, because conversation costs you nothing and I think you'll be really, really pleased with what you do. Find out through these conversations with Adam and his team and again, we'll drop a link you know on here for people to do that. Real simple you fill out a couple of little things and someone from the team is going to reach out to you. What type of businesses are not good for y'all to work with Adam? Are there? Are there any? Are there any niches where you're like, hey guys, if you're listening, we're probably not a good fit for you.

Speaker 1:

You know it's. That's a great question. Like some business types that we've had great success with are obviously dog trainers, right? First thing that comes to mind. I love working with convenience stores, delis markets, auto repair bars, restaurants, quick service restaurants are great and I think that they're going to grow over the next 15 years.

Speaker 1:

I actually think your industry is going to grow like crazy, and you know why? Because because millennials don't want to have kids, they'd rather have dogs. Yeah, like dude, what I've thought about this and I want to build. I was thinking about building software specifically designed for dog trainers, and that's maybe something we can talk about. Yeah, we need to integrate payments. We'd help them with invoice, all the stuff that they do. That's designed literally perfectly around that niche, because I think it's going to grow, and if it's going to grow, then that means that there'll be more payments flowing through there and there's more opportunity.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, now, we've got the software, we're about to start pushing it. So we do need to talk about that because we're about to start pushing it publicly, probably in the next 30 days, announcement, announcement coming. You know it's like and so, but it's cool, but it's going to, it's going to change for the, whether that small time operator or their large scale like, like where we're at and growing, it's going to be able to help with efficiencies and client experience and management and really pet industry wide, the entire pet industry. I agree with you is it's always quickly growing. But you're exactly right, people waiting to have kids or not having those kids and the dogs are that piece, whether it's the groomers, whether it's the daycares, the borders, the veterinarians, the trainers. It's really a limitless opportunity for anybody who's in that market, as long as you're not a piece of shit human being. You're a piece of shit human being, my team and I will hunt you down and drag you through the streets if you're shitty to these animals. And you know it's funny.

Speaker 2:

Logan, pop in here real quick, I see you smirking. Pop in here real quick. That question, your mom. I don't want to forget Adam's like. What the hell? Well, this is what happens with me at him. I go off. I want to tangent. What did I? What was I hearing this morning? It woke me up. I thought our dogs were like in pain what?

Speaker 1:

was. I hear it woke me up. I ran out to go see if our dogs are okay. It was a dog across the street in the driveway, like by itself. No, it's an owner. It wanted to go at another dog and it was like mad that it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

So was it on a leash? Yeah, and all right. Well, I need don't say it on the podcast. I need you to point out to me, though, when we get home tonight, whose house it is, because that dog, it was bad, it didn't sound okay and I need to find out who it is and talk to them about how they treat your dog, because that I jumped up out of the bed was early and I thought something happened to. I thought Coyote was in the backyard or something Got ahold of one of the dogs. I didn't know what was happening.

Speaker 1:

So, across the street from us, yeah, they were walking by All right, you said something that is really, really something to pay attention to you can be. You basically said you could be successful in your industry as long as you're not a piece of shit person. That's true for anything. That's true in payments, it's true in banking, it's true in anything, right, and I've heard a lot of people say negative things about the payments industry.

Speaker 1:

Business lenders love to talk shit about each other and they say, oh, they're predatory. I mean there's good people and bad people in every industry. Right, yeah, like, it's all about who runs the companies and the examples that they truly set. Right, yeah, and I think it's our responsibility as leaders and entrepreneurs to be the best people we can be so that our people take follow suit, right, and they also project that into whatever they're doing. It could be underwater, basket weaving or whatever. And you're absolutely right. If the industry is going to grow like dog train the dog or the pet industry, will, man, beautiful, that's a great opportunity for the right person, the right mindset and drive to go make something of themselves. Right yeah, you see the numbers that you and your clients and everyone's doing and it's like, wow, man, that's a good like. I thought here like shit, should I sell my company and become a dog trainer? Because you guys don't, really I would never do that, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you. You know, the thing that's funny about it is that I I could. This is our 10 year anniversary since we opened our first location. Thank you, we opened and I never would have imagined what we've built and what we've grown to. I would have never imagined the lessons we've learned in the, the heartache and the pain and the failures and the wins and the relationships. Like it's crazy thinking about this 10 years. And then I think about, holy crap, we still have so much to learn and, like I personally, have so much growth still to reach what I believe my potential is Right.

Speaker 2:

And so that's why I put myself in rooms and I invest in in in development and in learning, because I don't think I have all the answers. I don't, I don't know. I've never ran a business, a dog training business, the size of the one I'm running right now. So you know, when I screw stuff up, I'm like hey, sorry, you know, but I haven't done this before, and in my world it's a small number of people that have. And so I'm very fortunate to have mentors and friends in the industry who, like, like yourself you're talking about your, your main mentor been around like 20 some odd years in the industry, like that's your go to right If you, if you and you know a lot, you've been in it. But there's still times where you're like I don't know what's the best way to maybe handle this or how should we go about it. And you know, I still very much feel that way. So I'm super excited for what the next 10 years are to bring.

Speaker 2:

But this is the one thing that's so funny and I talk about. I was like man. You know we've always been limited by. Our. Growth is dependent upon someone's hand being on a leash Right and with with my company, we're part of a larger franchise model and so I'm also limited regionally, okay, and so where we have our franchises, we're blessed we have multiple. They do extremely well. You know, the last year, like everybody's been a little different, you know, a little slower than some have really taken off. Some will slow down depending on the market, but there's still growth and I'm very proud of the teams and what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

But I'm like man how do we, how do we help dogs, help more people? But we're not limited geographically and we're not limited by having to have our leash, having a leash in our hand, you know, attached to a dog and that's where we started getting into the software side. That's where we started getting into media and marketing. You know pet industry sales assistants, front end admin work, where we're coming in and taking in kind of like lead acquisition through, you know, dog drop off, helping other businesses build up kind of their sales pipelines and marketing processes, and that allows us to impact more dogs and help more people.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not necessarily tied in and limited by can our hands be on a leash, and so that's where it's like okay, because when I started it was just me in the backyard and very quickly I'm like, oh man, if I really want to help dogs, I want to help people. I got to figure out how to teach people to do what I do. And it's to your point, like you would rather you're not out bringing clients in or onboarding people, you're connecting them with Josh or one of your other reps because that's a better experience for that client. Who's like, no, adam, I really want to work with you. Well, no, you don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

That's like me and the phone call. Josh, we really want you to train our dog. You trained our other dog eight years ago. I'm like, no, you don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, you're probably not even that good at it anymore. No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

Like I've always said, I want to be the worst dog trainer in my company. There you go. Yeah, if I can be the worst dog trainer in my company, we're freaking killing it, bro. If I offer the worst experience, my experience is the worst experience. Now, it's a good experience, but if it's the worst of all the experiences they can get, we're crushing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. That's a really good. I never thought of it like that.

Speaker 2:

Right. So what if your your expectation for yourself is, because the thing is, you'll go for it, you'll bring in 500 clients this year if you need to? Yeah, that's just bottom line. You could, but is that the best use of your time, of your skills, of your re? Is that what you want to be doing?

Speaker 1:

Not anymore, man and I know that it's the ultimate and I talk about this a lot because I literally we had a call what's today, tuesday, yesterday, with our we have there's like 10 of our sales reps Josh is one of them that, like, we really pour into, we give them a lot of training and stuff, things like that to help them, and I was telling them that I'm jealous of them and I am envious because I miss the hustle, like I used to leave my house at eight o'clock and come home at five or six and you know, with so hopefully with some kills out in the streets, you know, and some fresh clients, all that.

Speaker 1:

And now it's like I come to the office, I do the boring stuff behind the scenes and then I go home for lunch, come back usually and then like it's just, it's a different game. It's like a, it's like a change of identity and a struggle because I got my salesman, I started out and I can sell all day long, you're right, and I've got the referrals coming in and the online presence. It's beautiful, but I'd rather teach other people how to make that happen for themselves so they can build a six or seven annual residual you know, seven figure annual.

Speaker 1:

Like that's what you can build in my industry and dude, it's, it's. It's a weird change. I just have to say it. Anyone that's gone from scratch to building a business like you for 10 years man, you, you're not the same person. You were back then and you're you've had a lot of wins, losses, scars, battle wounds, success, and now you're doing it with leverage, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, when my I was thinking about the year, kind of like reflecting on 2023, that little that week before between Christmas and New Year's, and I was thinking I'm not a year new year's resolution guy that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard but I'm thinking about what did I do good this year in this time period? Right, that we can represent as a year? Right, I'm like you know, I've been doing so many things without leverage, right? So I thought about that word, leverage, and that's what my word is for 2024. I'm going to leverage all of my assets to grow my impact, my company and my mission, you know. And so, like, one of the things I went and did right away was got. We got a $1.2 million line of credit, which is fucking amazing to know that.

Speaker 2:

As a business owner feels great.

Speaker 1:

And we're going to leverage that and get a 500% return on it this year.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

My goal, you know, and so there's risk there. But, like I am now at a point where I can come up with a help to say, yeah, I'll bet $1.2 million on these seven different things and we're going to make it work, make it successful so that we grow, we bring out more people as team members, employees, clients, referral partners and then also create more impact.

Speaker 2:

You know, Like.

Speaker 1:

I have a vision that that rate tracker software becomes the credit karma of the payments industry. Credit karma slash car facts Kind of like how you say, show me the car facts. But I want people to look at rate tracker as the standard of certification in terms of, like, transparency and trust in the payments industry. Love it. The software itself is it's we'll call it version two and it's solid, it works. It helps people with their fees and they can process payments through it and all that fun stuff, and I want to turn it more into like a CRM slash, like business finance resource, just like credit karma.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm working on. I'm trying to see, and that's why I don't sell accounts- anymore.

Speaker 2:

But isn't that cool, though, how you you've been able to very similar like path in the sense that, as you've developed other people to serve in an incredible way, the clients, from onboarding to service after they're already, you know, live with you it creates this margin for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

And it's like less to create more opportunity. We're going to go through this growth phase. I'm going to teach more people how to do this so we can impact, help more people. Now you get the right people in place, and this is something I've really experienced over the last 18 to 24 months. I got the right leaders in place that have finally come up and developed and they're in the right roles, and last year was that first time in like nine years that all of a sudden, there was margin and I could sit back for a second and I'm like we need to do this. This is the next phase. This is the next step. This is how we transition into greater influence and impact. This is how we help more dogs. This is how we help more families. This is how we help meet more people within our industry, not repeat all the mistakes we made early on, so that they can come through and help in a better, greater way.

Speaker 2:

And all of a sudden it's like, oh, that's a creative idea. Oh, that's a creative idea. But all the stuff that had been kind of buried for years or maybe was only getting like, because I'm a visionary, big picture person, I can get into the weeds and the details. But I've got like 90 days before I go in massive depression mode, yeah, and so now I've got, you know, my CEO, katie, who's just a freaking animal and she loves all those details. She's like spit at me the big idea, let me go figure it out for you. Hell yeah, now go, go get the next big idea, or I'll give her the big idea and she'll tell me all the reasons it's not going to work. And you know, nitpick and negative me, and then I get pissed and then I make it better, right, I mean, I'm not that that that push and pull type dynamic, but that's what I've had and it sounds like that's what you've had. Yeah, you've created that margin where you can get back to.

Speaker 2:

It's like okay, I envisioned rate tracker, I envisioned having my payment processing company. Holy shit, we're actually doing it, we're having success. I'm not done yet. Yeah, man, what's that next piece look like? But you have to build up that support and you have to build up that team. And this is why I feel like so many owner operators get stuck in operation forever because they're scared to teach someone how to do what they do. But what happens if they leave? What happens if they go do it themselves. I mean, okay, yeah, clearly we're not going to people live in fear. We're psychopaths. We went out on our own and risked it all. And now you're you're doing it again, coming in big and hot, and you're like, I'm going to leverage this to go here because that's what it takes to do and people can go. I mean, god, I probably.

Speaker 2:

I call myself the church planner of the dog world because we've I think we've spun off more dog training companies from past trainers over the same year than anybody else in the history of the world. So you know, I'm like, yeah, I'm the, I'm the church planner of the dog world. But and here's the thing, I wish them all success. If they're good people, if they're good human beings, I wish them great success. If they're shit bags, I'm really going to use any influence I have to make it very difficult for them to operate.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because I care about the dogs and I know you're not a great person. I know that you don't work for me because you're a shitty to animals. You're not going to work with animals. I'm sorry, and not not while I'm here, you know, and so. But the ones who the majority of people are just like hey, I think I see a different way of doing it. I'm not mad at you. I'll even I'll help you get going. I'll share with you some lessons, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cause, dude, you're an abundant thinker, which is how we all should be, because the world is abundant. And you know what I tell you this? The idea of margin, that word you said that is literally what I was talking to my wife last night about Cause. Like tomorrow we're taking our three kids to Florida. We're going to do like six week or six day vacation and I think my assistant just talked me into leaving my work phone here and bringing just my, my phone that literally calls and texts.

Speaker 1:

That's it. And I'm pumped for that because I, you know, I've been through some shit. It's entrepreneurship is not easy and I've been through, you know, we all know it. But I've had some setbacks and bullshit I've had to deal with. But like, we figured out, that's what we did. We do the work figured out, keep moving. It's easy when you have that approach and most people they, most of us are visionaries. Right, we think about the big picture. We want our business to grow, we want the impact of our, of our mission to be felt by as many people as possible, right. And then you realize along the way that it doesn't really have anything to do with money. Sure, money's cool, money's great, but I'm excited about creating change and feeling like I have a sense of purpose outside of my family, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know like.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to be known as the guy that cleaned up the payments industry or or made America better because small businesses could thrive more Like that's what I'm shooting for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So I'll get in the weeds and handle shit but it's at the point now where, like my team can just do most of it better than me and like the only time they need me to step in is when they ask and I do my best to stay out. I don't know, at least because sometimes I see, you know, a client disrespecting Daniel. Of course I'm going to come down on that person and defend my guy, but then Daniel says why'd you do that?

Speaker 1:

You didn't need to. It's like, oh man, it's cause I care, but then I realized he could handle it himself and that's the cool stuff. You know, like you, the visionary integrator relationship that you mentioned with your COO that is like the yin and yang of business and partnerships relationships, the way businesses operate. You need to have both sides because, yes, you need to have a vision and a plan. You also need to execute it and most of the time it's better to have somebody else or a team that executes the vision. Visitors need to be doing stuff like this recording the podcasts and sharing our vision and thinking about it and talking about it and you know high level stuff. And it's really challenging to go from that like from scratch to like true visionary, because there's so many things in the way of that and it's designed that way. It's not easy right?

Speaker 1:

My wife always says, if this shit was easy, everyone would do it. Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my wife Devin, she'll say to me she's like every day she goes. I do not understand how every day you choose this fight, you know, and it's. You said something that was so key and I hope people picked up on it. You're like it's so beyond the money, right, Like the money comes in and the money goes out. The money pays the people to make the business operate, the money pays for marketing, the money pays for buildings. The money pays. You know, the money goes a lot of places besides myself and to you. You know, if I made the money the company made, yeah, that would be really a cool thing.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, for those who don't understand it, it doesn't work that way. But it is about a greater purpose and if we didn't love the problem solving right, we're professional solutions, people, PhD in solutions. That's all we're doing every single day and the visionary starts out with this idea about what they want to do. But then it's that the visionary skill sets that allow you to come up with the solutions that not everybody else can come up with. Because we see things differently and I'm not saying I see things right all the time. I see it differently. My perspective is lack, Like my wife, and I look at two exact same situations and how we would approach it and attack it or solve it or whatever, Cause I would have never thought of it that way. I'm like no, and I would have never done it that way, and they're just two very, very different people. But it's very unique and that's why it's like when you're that visionary and you get the people in place who can run your business and handle your business and control your business, because they're so bought in Cause you've made it clear what your values are, what the mission is, what that experience is supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

When the things that have to come to you come to you, you're clear. Yes, the margin is there where you have clarity and you can actually make a good decision for your business. When you're early on and you're the one bringing in the accounts, you're the one troubleshooting, you're the one installing point of sale systems You're the ones doing all this. Then a client calls complaining about this. You're trying to jump in the car and take that call. Now that point of sale is only half installed and that pizza restaurant is pissed because they're about to open for lunch and there's new system isn't in place Instead of taking care. But you're dealing with the mart down the street on the phone whose credit card processing thing went down, and how do we make good decisions in those moments? We don't.

Speaker 1:

And we're slaves to our business, and that sucks, like I would say that there's a part of your business that's career or whatever where your business will own you Right, and that's not how it should be. You own your business and so there's a lot of things that need to happen to go from point A to point B, and it literally, in my opinion, when people ask, hey, what's the most important characteristic of an entrepreneur? It's grit, like pure grit. Do you really want it Right? Yeah, I mean, there's a million ways to scale a company and grow and create that impact that we want and have time, money, freedom, all that stuff. But it's like the reason why most businesses fail and never get there is because the people in charge are. They don't have the grit or the determination to actually make it happen.

Speaker 1:

Like when my wife and I got married or we got engaged, that night I asked her. I said what do you want to do with our lives? You know what do you want to do? And she said get married, have babies and travel the world. So that is what I think about a lot all the time and that's what I want to do. I'm adding a fourth thing in there, because I found entrepreneurship after our marriage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure.

Speaker 1:

That is, create a positive impact for the world, and I can do that because I'm an expert in payments. I built a cool company. We take care of our people and our impact is being felt, and I want to multiply that by a million right. Yeah, I do love that yeah, dude, and so the kids right now like we're traveling to Florida and it's going to be a really fun two hour plane ride.

Speaker 2:

Three under five. You said right Three under five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, four and a half, two and a half and one year, and so we're just going to make it happen. We'll get there and be fine, but when they're older, like saying like seven to 10 years, we'll do cool stuff. By then I'll have the money to fly private and it'll be an experience to do that, and by then my business is going to be even further built out, where I truly own it and I can guide it and make my work and my effort super impactful.

Speaker 2:

That's what I want.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro, and that's where I'm tracking. I know you're headed the same direction. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

So my son he graduated last year, came on to work for us in August. It's really, really fun. It's kind of I mean, I don't lack energy, but there has been a new energy that I've had since he's come on board and stuff that he's learning and taking us in a direction potentially that is so different than what I initially imagined. And it's cool because he's bringing stuff to the table that I had never thought about and it's neat to see his involvement. It's cool that we've built something that probably the greatest honor of my life is having built something that my son wanted to be a part of. Hell, yeah, that's cool. And now I'm like, oh man, I really can't screw this up. You know You're talking about grit. I'll tell you what has grit, bro. There's gray in my beard. I started coloring my beard because I was full white and the gray just keeps creeping back. I got to go color it again. I was looking at it on this camera. The way the lighting is, it's like damn it.

Speaker 1:

So I used to have brown hair. I don't know if you really tell, but I got a fresh hair Like it's gray basically, and so I get haircuts frequently. I'm going to get cut today, actually, before I go on vacation, but my wife is so bent out of shape because she's starting to have gray hairs I'm like I'm going to embrace it and I tell people. I'm like it's 90% wisdom, 10% stress. Yeah, yeah, I mean the last five years I've had three kids Started a business. It failed, started another one from scratch. It's booming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, If the white of my beard is 90% wisdom, I need to start writing more books, Because if there wasn't some simpler in it, this sucker looks like Santa Claus, and it's been that way for a while. That's so funny. Well, look, man. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to come on here. Talk payment processing, talk leadership, talk entrepreneurship. I'm proud to know you. I'm honored that you joined the show. I'm proud to do business with you on a daily basis. Like I said, we're going to drop a link on here and then on all of our socials. It's easy for people to connect with you. How can they follow you on Instagram or Facebook if they're interested in doing that?

Speaker 1:

So you can just search me on Facebook, Adam Meese, the one with the check mark, not the one that's going to try to sell you crypto investments. I promise you I will never, ever do that, and all you can look at on Instagram is at the payments dude.

Speaker 2:

The payments dude. I love it. That's great. Well, look, man. I pray for safe travels for you and your family and an amazing week that you guys and the kids will remember for a lifetime, and I know it'll be rejuvenating. Leave your phone with your assistant and just have a blast, and hopefully I'll catch up with you down in Texas here soon.

Speaker 1:

Sounds good, brother. Man, I appreciate you having me on and thank you again.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Guys, be sure to subscribe, follow, leave feedback, Hit us with any questions that you have for us or Adam, and we'll catch you next time on the Big Dog podcast. This week we've got Hugge Ira. No-transcript.

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